LAMM obtains the Legality Rating

LAMM is pleased to announce the recent award of the prestigious Legality Rating from the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM – Italian Competition Authority) . This recognition attests to the company’s constant commitment to maintaining high standards of legality and transparent, ethical and virtuous business management.
This important milestone is in addition to the numerous certifications and recognitions already held by the company, testifying to its continuous commitment to excellence and sustainability. These include: UNI EN ISO 9001, which guarantees the quality of the management system; UNI EN ISO 14001, which certifies attention to environmental management; FSC® Chain of Custody (FSC®C134805), which recognizes responsibility for the management of forest resources; EMAS Registration, which certifies excellence in environmental and sustainable management; and GREENiTOP®, which officially includes the company in the “green community” following the conclusion of LEED®mapping.
In addition to this is the partnership with FSC® Italia, the national body that promotes responsible forest management according to the rigorous FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) standards, which represents a further confirmation of LAMM’s commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.
The recent achievement of the Legality Rating, together with other certifications and recognitions, demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting a culture of respect for the environment and legality, guaranteeing high quality products and services for its customers and the community.