Our best wishes for a happy Easter 2024

We hereby inform you that our offices will be closed from Saturday 30 March to Monday 01 April for Easter holidays.

LAMM sets up the new headquarters of the Demetra Food Academy

The E5000 – Orlandini design study benches for the gastronomy shows of the prestigious Food Academy of the Valtellina company A hyper-equipped professional kitchen, but with a special feature: the presence of the public. On stage – or rather, in the kitchen – the chefs from Demetra, the company that selects and processes raw … Continue reading "LAMM sets up the new headquarters of the Demetra Food Academy"

LAMM strengthens its presence in Central and Southern Italy with the opening of a new office in Naples

A new strategic hub for business development and the consolidation of relations with partners in the area LAMM expands its network of offices with the inauguration of new offices in the Centro Direzionale in Naples; the decision to open them in the heart of the Campania capital is the result of a careful study, … Continue reading "LAMM strengthens its presence in Central and Southern Italy with the opening of a new office in Naples"

LAMM partner of FSC® Italy: a concrete commitment to sustainability

LAMM is proud to announce its partnership with FSC® Italy, the national body promoting responsible forest management according to the strict FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) standards. Always attentive to the environment and sustainability, LAMM has long since embarked on a virtuous path that has led it to obtaining various certifications and recognitions – UNI … Continue reading "LAMM partner of FSC® Italy: a concrete commitment to sustainability"

Versatility and dynamism of the F50 and On Time armchairs for the conference room of the Order of Physicians of Parma

The two seats integrate perfectly into a single 127-seat room. The grey and burgundy of the ecological fabrics hark to the colours of the Institution, conveying its professionalism and prestige. Capacity to be calibrated to changing needs and to the attendance of the public, allowing a rapid change of use if necessary. Dynamism and … Continue reading "Versatility and dynamism of the F50 and On Time armchairs for the conference room of the Order of Physicians of Parma"

Customised armchairs for the Lecture Hall of the University of Basilicata

Increased room capacity thanks to a customised product that does not underestimate comfort and ergonomics.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2024

LAMM wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our offices will be closed from 23rd December 2023 to 7th January 2024 inclusive.

Unica armchairs arrive in the most multiethnic district of the Ville Lumière

Installation for maximum comfort in the auditorium of one of France’s most important and historic institutions Belleville is lively, artistic and animated by a melting pot of cultures. The district of the Ville Lumière, made famous by Daniel Pennac’s cycle of novels, houses the headquarters of one of France’s most important national organisations. Here, … Continue reading "Unica armchairs arrive in the most multiethnic district of the Ville Lumière"