We will be back soon. Even stronger than before

Due to the recent infections from Coronavirus nationwide and in the context of the measures to prevent the disease spreading, we have decided to close temporarily as a precaution, from 6 p.m. of Friday 13 March to Friday 3 April included, LAMM headquarters and offices in San Secondo (PR).
Given the particular situation that we are experiencing and despite the absence of registered cases into our headquarters, we consider it appropriate to implement all measures in our power to protect the health of our employees and collaborators, in an effort to contribute concretely to the social well-being and to the reduction of infected people.
We would like to reassure our customers and partners that our activities will continue by adopting an alternative work system.
Deliveries may be subject to slight delays, but we are doing everything possible to avoid them. To verify the status of your orders, please contact your designated sales person or send an e-mail to info@lamm.it to which we will answer as soon as possible.
We hope we can share with you as soon as possible the results of our commitment with the promise that we will restart together, even stronger than before.
On behalf of our team,
Caruso Family